Our Prime Minister sure has been acting funny this year. First he's criticising Barack Obama, saying that if he were al-Qaeda, he'd be
praying for an Obama victory. Then he's off
banning Snoop Dogg touring Australia. Now Mr Howard has
banned our cricket team from touring Robert Mugabe's Zimbabwe.
Let's take a look at all these people.
Notice anything in common with these three men? Apart from their taste in high couture?
Yeah that's right. All I'm saying, is if the
Up In Smoke tour ever comes Down Under, it'll just be Eminem...
Fried chicken: Kevin Rudd's secret election ploy
Lachy please delete this post and ban Plevs from Upshake. Inactivity is much better than this activity.
I thought that one was quite reasonable!
Let's see your answer in a post that requires a bit more effort than a slack-jawed comment.
Sorry Plevs, but this is shit. Nothing new here. But keep trying.
90 % in the american Virgin islands voted for Obama, go figure:)
No difference, is just that one of the folk loves power (Mugabe). Let him f**k off with is stupid face of his
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