Tuesday, July 01, 2008

It begins... before it even starts

We haven't even left yet and I'm already enjoying myself. I just received an email from our first hostel. The email was from 'Internet Software' (obviously known as 'Lee' to his friends).

It is hard reading this without either laughing, or thinking it is just another Nigerian scam.

frominternet software
dateTue, Jul 1, 2008 at 2:11 AM
subjectRE: Hostel Booking- arrive 9am 3rd July


The room is available,

Thank you very much for your reply and confirmed that very kind of you

Yes, I will arrange my staff go to pick up you ,so when you arrived at the

airport you will see my staff hold your name at there with cold drink and

you will get other welcome drink ice lemon tea and free 20minuts massage

for well come at the hotel .

looking forward to see you on 3rd July .

Have a great day.

Best regards.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yall gonna be giggling like a schoolgirl this whole trip.