Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Chuntometer v1.1.1

another update here

Just a few minor but necessary changes.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

"Leet" Speak


watch it, I was totally ROFLMAO.

Instructions for this story were:
1. Get heaps of 'experts', but only take a sentence from each, because they might take it in a different direction if they get longer than that.
2. Don't take the lord's name in vain- it is easter- saying 'gosh' is ok though.
3. Permission for urban myths as fact- "there was this one child" is an acceptable start to a sentence.
4. Keep it as short as possible- people interested in acronyms want everything shortened, including a story about acronyms.
5. Use scary graphics to reveal each acronym's "true" meaning in a manner not unlike 'Bert's Family Feud'.
6. Explain clearly that it is fine if your daughter is chatting to a 65 year old man, as long as she doesn't talk to him using acronyms.

We surveyed 100 people about this CBS news report, can you guess their answers?
Is POS on the board, Bert?
....Yeees, Piece Of Shit, cooooongratulations that's the top answer!

for more information on the original Leet speak, wiki it.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

The Coolest Guy: Nominee 2 (a myspace rant)

'The Coolest Guy' is a quest I have to trawl the web for the coolest people in the world. Many people would think Hollywood is a good location to start looking, or our sports stars, and that is fair enough. However, here at LeBlogMac, we believe that it is those unsung heroes who deserve recognition. People who believe they are cool but haven't achieved appropriate prestige.
Haven't Seen Nominee 1?

Nominee 2: This is aimed at a lot of myspace websites, but particularly this guy.

Name: BigSmooth0187

Why is he cool?
1. It says so on his myspace site
2. He's cooler than BigSmooths 0000->0186
3. List of people he'd like to meet:
Jesus, Meatloaf, Nancy Regan, Uncle Jesse from Fullhouse, Gumby...

I'd like to be at that dinner table:
Jesus: "So, Jesse, want to own up to abusing those twins on Full House?"
Gumby: "Don't eat me, Meatloaf. And no, I am not apple-flavoured."

----end Coolest Guy Segment----

----begin myspace rant----------

Have you been to myspace? For those of you who haven't, it is essentially the website equivalent of a Balinese beach-seller crossed with a dating site, then add the cream of the crop of our society to choose the media they show (and force upon you) and what they write.

When you enter a myspace site, it usually has a popup window, coupled with a song and or a video playing at the same time. The background is usually some "heaps cool" image the retard/retardo author has chosen- don't be surprised if it means you can't read a lot of the text and just be thankful it saves you the pain of reading the crap.

Luckily, it has no shortage of sluts.- check it out, her name is "It's All About Sex, Drugs & House Music". How lovely. That one is a great example of people using it to explain to everyone how much of a sexual being they are, and how much they 'party it up' with their "XOXOAWSUMxxx:) ('-')GORGeUz FRiendZ#$%^&*)_)+*&^%$". That last one is great- she totally supplies what 'EvRy' boy needs, and also what 'EvRy' dirty old man looking for a fix needs.

Myspace. Keeping the internet full of even more useless crap.

Try the 5-step Myspace Challenge!!!
1) Open 5 myspace windows at once
2) Listen to the many songs that automatically play at the same time
3) Record it and email it back to them
4) Forward it back to them again (Use Gmail or something that doesn't require multiple uploading)
5) And again...

So Anyway..... If you made it this far... Got any other questions that might be thrown back and forth across the BigSmooth0187 dinner table? Comment.