Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Chuntometer v1.1.1

another update here

Just a few minor but necessary changes.


Anonymous said...

I've had to take my widget down. With Nick as sick as a Lee Harding concert I can't bear (?) to look at the gross pictures.

On the other hand, your explanatory links for this post were craftily simple and neat. Full marks for subtle blogging, Lachster.

niczilla said...

it's so lifelike...

i didn't realise that Haidee had taken pictures of me vommiting in Morocco, and then emailed them to you. I'm impressed.

I'm also impressed with my spray. It's such a nice, golden organe burst of liquid sunshine. A perfect compliment to any desktop.

niczilla said...

oh god the spelling mistakes were terrible in that comment. that blog admin guy is going to kill me....