Friday, August 18, 2006

Why ruin this post with words?

sorry i missed your thing, dave. happy birthday. - cam


leblogmac said...

Already bringing the level of class up a few notches, and only one post, good work Cam. I'd ask you to explain it a bit (for those who aren't aware of the series of manstreaming birthday cards you have made in mspaint for Dave), but really no amount of explanation will help.

Anonymous said...

At last, The Marquis de Sde's literary masterworks recast as signle-entendre comedy.

As Eliot might have said, 'Do I dare to cum on myself?'. Cam dares to lay bare the bones of selfhood. Get a grant son, you're worth it.

Anonymous said...



leblogmac said...

You look happy enough about it, Dave. Let's just say Cam is on probation.

leblogmac said...

After taking a second look, I now appreciate it a lot more- look at where the speech bubble comes from. There is something oh so deep about the stream itself talking to the kneeling dave. Personification of urine is something I haven't seen often in art, but I expect to in the future.

Anonymous said...

On probation?! Lachy don't stand in the way of progressAll great art is controversial. Who else is doing self golden-showering and urine personification? I'm so hot right now in the art world. Me and this lass -