Monday, October 16, 2006

Quote of the Day

"That's like saying you don't want to kiss your lover's lips because everyone has lips. It doesn't make any sense."
~Steve Jobs, Apple CEO on whether or not the iPod is becoming less cool as a product of its increasing ubiquitousness.

To continue the idea- I think it would be more likely that you would stop kissing your lover's lips if he/she forced you to wear lipstick with a strong DRM odour. Or if in order to french kiss you needed to buy an overpriced attachment.


Anonymous said...

What chance that that quotation will be quote of the week on Kerrie Murphy's IT backpage?

leblogmac said...

True. Perhaps I should send my two suggestions there in for the "10 reasons I stopped kissing my lover" she's bound to ask for in Defrag tomorrow.