Monday, November 27, 2006

A story no parent can afford to m155 #2

According to the report, this is how criminals, kids communicate covertly. "The language is morphing into a dangerous dialect, foreign to parents". It features eye-witness accounts from kids in the loop, like this teen: "I could see why parents would be worried just because... it could... it can lead to... ... danger".

Credible source to says that Al-Qaeda uses leet speak to communicate. Here is a recently intercepted instant message transcript between a Mr B. 1ad3n and a Mr dr0ps_da_b0mb (leet speak has been put in bold so you can find it):
B. 1ad3n: "Hi, you int3r3sted in some ill3gal activities?"
dr0ps_da_b0mb: "Yeah, that would totally be k3wl, I have m4d sk1llz in that area"
B. 1ad3n: "Awesome. I'm now NIFOC"
dr0ps_da_b0mb: "Oh wait a sec, P911"

I hope to post a story like this once every 6 months, with the current supply that won't be a problem. Here is #1.


leblogmac said...

that's 1337, n00b.

leblogmac said...

guess you won't be getting the ladies then...