Sunday, December 03, 2006

Quote of the Decade

The year was 1995. A year in which OJ Simpson was acquitted of a crime he "could have committed", the film Batman Forever was released, and eternally destroyed the best comic book franchise in the world, and, in Australian politics, John Howard saw fit to describe Paul Keating in these most ironic of statements:

John Howard: "It was a straight-out lie, lie, lie, by the prime minister [Paul Keating]. He [is] so used to getting away with telling lies, so protected is he with the paraphernalia of government, so drunk with power has he grown after 12 years in office, so believing has he become of his own infallibility and so authoritarian has he become that that is how he behaves."

It's good to see that our current PM has such a staunch background in demanding truth from government. It makes me sleep easier at night, that's for sure.


leblogmac said...

Wikipedia also tells me:
# Nu-Metal band Slipknot is founded.
# October 1 - Ten people are convicted of bombing the World Trade Center in 1993.
# September - DVD, an optical disc computer storage media format, is announced.
# May 7 - Jacques Chirac is elected president of France.

Things have changed so much...

Cam said...

geez, what do you think this is*, nick? Your posts are getting more and more righteous. We'll all get guantanamoed soon and get foreign objects inserted into our anuses.

*It's a vehicle for my dick and arse jokes, that's what.

Anonymous said...

hey, F'd in the A is F'd in the A, whether it's Guantanamo or some leather dungeon. So quit complaining Camden, I'm quite looking forward to it.

niczilla said...

sorry guys. here i was treating this page space like a UN general assembly meeting or something.... when all the while i really should have been practicing my writing skills for Ralph magazine.

So changes are coming - next time i'll talk about my anticipation at maybe seeing boobies in the next Big Brother series, about how many piercings some guy in California can fit into a single testicle, and also announce the first ever annual ' amateur porn competition' (no scating allowed).

Cam said...

no scatting allowed? then why bother

niczilla said...

due to popular demand, scatting is now allowed.

leblogmac said...

If only we could reach the high standards of 'captain.sam'. His 'blog' only lasted 3 pitiful entries. Is he even a real captain?

leblogmac said...

nah you misread it- I am Lebanese.